You performed a search for: Areas of Interest: Youth Services

There are 11 record(s) that match your criteria.

Click on the Position Title to view the full details of the record


Ajax Ajax
Brock Brock
Clarington Clarington
Durham Region Durham Region
Oshawa Oshawa
Pickering Pickering
Scugog Scugog
Uxbridge Uxbridge
Whitby Whitby
EmpowHER Youth Leadership Program   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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EmpowHER is a dynamic leadership and mentorship program designed to equip young women and LGBTQ2+ individuals (ages 12–30) with the skills, networks, and opportunities to excel in their chosen fields. This hybrid program (both virtual and in-person) provides hands-on experiences with civic action.

EmpowHER is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and protected refugees who are passionate about civic engagement and making a meaningful impact in their communities. Participants will engage in real-world projects, leadership training, and mentorship opportunities that foster growth and empowerment.

Volunteer Youth Mentor   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Affiliation For Inspiring Youth Upliftment (AFIYU)
Region of Durham

Seeking volunteer male mentors for boys ages 9 - 16. Must be 21+ and preferably identifies as representing the Afro-Canadian Black community. If you are empathetic, kind, caring and passionate about giving back, we would love to connect you with a youth in need of support and guidance.  Position is hybrid (both in person and virtual), and commit to at least 6 months. Please contact us for more details.

Executive Board Chair and Vice Chair   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Durham Farm and Rural Family Resources

At Durham Farm and Rural Family Resources (DFRFR), we're dedicated to providing quality and flexible children's services and programs to farm and rural families in Durham Region.

Through our Ontario EarlyON programs and seasonal OnFarm Childcare & Safety initiatives, we aim to reduce injury risks for children on farms, increase opportunities for families in the north of Durham, and enhance communication and coordination among service providers. As a registered charitable non-profit, we rely on grants, fundraising, donations, and memberships to fulfill our mission.

Join us in making a difference today.

Other Special Interest   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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The Cultural Empowerment Project

If you have a special volunteer interest, please specify

The links below will provide more information on our organization:



Volunteer Driver   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Durham Children's Aid Society

VOLUNTEER DRIVERS provide safe, reliable transportation for children, youth and families to/from
appointments , family visits, school and camp.

• Provide local and long distance transportation for children.
• Abide by the rules of the road and all driving/automobile related laws.
• Properly use child restraints, according to current standards.
• Follow all policies and procedures related to volunteer driving as outlined in Volunteer Services.

• Driver’s abstract must be submitted prior to commencing as a Volunteer Driver and will be completed
on an annual basis.
• Must have and maintain a mechanically sound and safe vehicle at all times
• Must have, and maintain, a minimum of $1,000,000 liability insurance.
• Adherence to mandatory seatbelt and child restraint regulations.
• Experience with children an asset.
•Reliability, flexibility, patience and confidentiality are all required.
•Must have a good driving record, acceptable police check and driver’s abstract.
•Must have a valid G driver’s license at all times

To become an approved volunteer with the Society, all applicants must complete the
screening process. Acceptance will be based on the results of this process.

• Volunteers must be 18 years or older.
• Volunteers must live or work in the Durham Region.
• Applicants will attend an information session in a group or individually.
• Applicants will complete an application form.
• An internal Society records check will be completed to determine any Society involvement.
• A provincial records check will be completed within the Child Protection Information Network (CPIN)
• Applicants will provide the names of three references and references will be deemed favourable. Manager, Communications & Community Relations has the discretion to approve an applicant with 2 references completed and deemed favourable.
• Applicants will provide a Criminal Records Check with Vulnerable Sector screening
• Applicants will provide proof of a valid driver’s license and a favorable driver’s abstract from the Ministry of Transportation when an assignment involves transporting children, youth and families.
• Applicants will be interviewed by the Coordinator of Volunteer Services to determine their suitability as a volunteer.
• Applicants will provide a Release of Information to contact other Children’s Aid Societies when there has been involvement or if they have resided outside of the Region for the last 10 years.
• Applicants will attend and complete New Volunteer Training
• Applicants must sign an Oath of Confidentiality
• Applicants will sign the Volunteer Agreement
• The applicant will be notified when they have been either approved or denied.

Board of Directors   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Girls Inc. of Durham

The Board of Directors represents the leaders of our agency and serves as a working board that oversees the long term strategic vision and overall health of the organization. Directors approve the organization’s philosophy and continually review the management’s performance while working toward agency goals. The Board of Directors will also annually review and approve plans for funding in view of organizational goals. Board members have a list of responsibilities that they renew every year during the annual election at our Annual General Meeting.

Youth Justice Committee Volunteer   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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BGC Durham
BGC Durham's Eastview unit- located on 433 Eulalie Ave., Oshawa

The Youth Justice Committee is a youth diversion program established under the Youth Criminal Justice Act as an alternative to the formal court system to handle low-risk offenses committed by young persons between their 12th and 18th birthdays in the Durham Region. A youth and their parent(s) or guardian will meet with a committee of community volunteers and the victim. Together they will negotiate meaningful ways or “sanctions” for the youth to repair the harm caused.

Must be at least 21 years of age.

Katimavik's National Experience   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Across Canada

The Katimavik National Experience challenges young people to make a positive impact in each of the communities while also developing a vast set of skills and competencies. The program brings together 11 young, diverse adults who share and manage a Katimavik house while living and doing meaningful volunteer work in two different communities. Throughout 22 weeks, participants are very busy and can expect to participate fully in the following: 

  • Volunteering 32 hours a week at local non-profit organizations; 

  • Learning about Indigenous peoples in Canada and engaging in meaningful truth and reconciliation initiatives; 

  • Team building and collaboration; 

  • Designing and implementing community projects; 

  • Managing all aspects of the Katimavik house, including daily meal preparation; 

  • Plan cultural discovery, group outings and fun activities during evenings and weekends. 

Katimavik National Experience is a fully funded, all expenses related to participation in the program are covered, including transportation to and from the communities, group activities, housing, and meals. Katimavik is funded by the Government of Canada through its Canada Service Corps initiative. 

Katimavik aims to help youth become engaged, caring citizens and capable contributors and leaders for a better Canada. We do this through the development of 21st century skills, experiential learning, and civic engagement. 

The National Experience is open to all young people aged 17-25 years old. Participants must be a Canadian citizen or be able to demonstrate that they are legally residing in Canada. 

Program cohorts start every January and July of each year.

To Apply, please visit our website

Nightstop Volunteer Host   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Durham Youth Services, Ajax

Nightstop is an alternative to shelter that adopts a preventative approach to homelessness by intervening at an early stage of crisis in order to help youth secure safe temporary housing, avoiding the shelter system or sleeping “rough” on the streets.

The program engages the community to act as “Hosts” for young people who have nowhere else to go and who have successfully passed a thorough risk assessment.

Community members help prevent that first night in shelter by offering a spare room and meals for short-term stays. Hosts and youth continue to be supported by DYS staff every step of the way.

Hosts are responsible for providing a private bedroom, access to laundry and bathroom facilities, as well as three meals (dinner, breakfast, and a packed lunch).

Seeking volunteer mentors for youth   Ajax  Brock  Clarington  Durham Region  Oshawa  Pickering  Scugog  Uxbridge  Whitby 
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Affiliation For Inspiring Youth Upliftment (AFIYU)

Seeking volunteer male mentors for boys ages 9 - 16. Must be 21+ and preferably identifies as representing the Afro-Canadian Black community. If you are empathetic, kind and caring, we would love to connect you with a youth in need of support and guidance. Position is hybrid (both in person and virtual), and commit to at least 6 months. Please contact us for more details.

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Afiwi Groove School

•        Assist with establishing, monitoring, coordinating and implementing the organization’s administrative policies for Afiwi Groove School.
•        Track and monitor student absences.
•        E-mail/telephone correspondence with parents, schools and community organizations and answering basic inquiries (i.e. registrations, performances/bookings)
•        Maintain overall contact lists for staff & board member
•        Filing & Photocopying
•        Issue thank-you letters/ cards to donors, schools and festivals and event planners.  
•        Manage calendar and schedule meetings (ie. workshops, executive board meetings, department meeting)
•        Preparing all required documentation for
•        Attend Board and Instructor meetings on an as needed basis
•        Mailings
•        Scanning and backing up documents
•        Other duties as assigned by Management.
•        Print attendance sheet for teachers and administer their hours
•        Administer dance studio database. Charge accounts of parents who are late with payments
•        Update parents and student profiles.
•        Generating mailing lists for new student campaigns, mailings, newsletters, event and concert invitations
•        Ensure digital and print materials are available for distribution.
•        Generate contracts for  printing and  mailing
•        managing correspondences and invoices through Quick Books
•         Processing debit/credit card payments at the studio
•        Upload receipts and expense into Quick Books or send to the accountant.

Volunteer Durham is committed to provide a database that is accurate, current and comprehensive. However, we are unable to assume any liability resulting from errors or omissions. Inclusion or omission of a program or service is not a comment on its quality. Please contact Volunteer Durham to report concerns or to make suggestions.