You performed a search for: Organization: WindReach Farm
There are 7 record(s) that match your criteria.
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Organize and deliver tours at WindReach Farm * wagon ride, farm and/or stable tour * sensory trail, wool demonstrations and more
Groom * feed and care for animals * clean stables and stalls * lead small animals
Help coordinator develop tasks * evaluate client success * assist with daily life skills * initial training of new individuals * promote client independence and socialization
Prepare soil * plant flowers, vegetables, herbs * maintain through season * harvest * assist in material preparation for gardening programs
Walk beside horse during lesson * groom, tack and untack horse * clean up after lesson
Assist with tasks that are part of a special event at WindReach Farm * greet guests, help visitors to park, registration * handle cash * oversee craft area * animal assistance * food preparation & serving * assist where needed
Under supervision feed horses * clean stalls, tack, saddle pads, blankets and water buckets daily * sweep stables and hay barn